Really? My baby is 6 months old? HUH?!?!?!?!!!! He was just a teeny tiny baby not long ago. It's truly amazing how fast these little people grow up. He has more than doubled his weight since birth! He is now in 9 month clothes, and even some 12 month!!
There have been a lot of firsts this past month. He cut his two bottom teeth which thankfully he was not fussy at all, he just drooled his face off. He learned to sit up too, which shocked the heck out me how fast he picked this up. It was a couple of days that I had him sitting up with a boppy around him and all of a sudden he just didn't need it anymore. He can sit for a long time without toppling over. I'm amazed!
Unfortunately, he also endured his first real sickness. It was awful, y'all! He came down with a cough and sneezed a few times so I took him to the doc. They told me it was just a cold and sent him home because he didn't have a fever. Welp, that night we found out just what it is like to have a sick child. It is absolute TORTURE. I tried to put him to bed at his usual time of 8 pm and he woke up and cried every time I tried to put him down. So, at 10 pm I finally came downstairs with him and Ben had to feed me pizza while I held Bennett. I ended up having to hold him basically the entire night, well until around 4 am. I finally got him in his crib then and I laid down and slept for 3 hours. We called the doc as soon as they opened on Saturday and we were there at 10 am - with all of the other sick kids. UGH! Turns out he somehow had RSV and an ear infection. We have no idea where he got this from as the other little girls at his in-home day care did not have it. Poor baby! It broke my heart to see him so sick, I cried on multiple occasions. :( He is better now but it was pretty rough there for a few days. His cough was so bad it made him throw up several times. So sad! Thankfully, my sweet Mom offered to come up and help us. Bennett would not be able to go to his sitter at all that week because RSV is so contagious. She kept him all week for us, and I ended up coming down with the virus as well so I was at home a couple of days too. It was NOT fun! Thank you Mom for coming to our rescue! Unfortunately now she has the virus, and so does my Dad - this stuff is super contagious! It's just like a bad cold when adults get it. No fun at all. I am just now able to breathe without the help of nose spray - freaking awesome. So, RSV - thank you for making my family miserable for SUCK!
I uploaded a video of Bennett is his jumper - he cracks me UP! It is hilarious to watch him in this thing. He is the light of our lives...what was life like without him?