It's amazing when you have a child and you look back on the photos from the prior year. It is so crazy what you come across. I saw this picture yesterday and looked at the date on year ago today this is what Bennett looked like. We didn't know if he was a girl or a boy and we were just about to announce to the world that we were having a baby. Crazy what happens in a year!!
And here he is today!
God is so good. He is 5.5 months old, weighs 18.2 pounds (I got on the scale with him on Sunday, ha!) and is literally growing like a weed. He has already cut 2 teeth, and has started on solid food. He has recently started to really enjoy his oatmeal mixed with apples, and loves carrots and sweet potatoes. He HATES squash. It did smell kind of funky so I don't blame him. He has been giggling for about a month now, and the first time he laughed I literally about lost it, it's the cutest sound on the planet! Check out this video, he laughs at the very beginning. That is, until he sees the camera and then he stops. I have to hide the camera to get any good videos of him!
Cutest thing ever!
He is SO chill - we are so very thankful for that! The child sleeps 11+ hours a night and I hear him cry maybe once every few weeks and that's only when he's really tired. He's just happy - all the time. We love him so! Sometimes I catch myself saying "am I really a parent now?" - it's mind boggling. You think it's going to be so hard, and I will admit the first couple of months were, but you get into a groove, learn your baby - and your life becomes that much better just because they are in it. :)
Ben and I are doing good! We work hard, and count down the minutes until we can get home and see Bennett. I must admit that working from home on Friday's ROCKS! It's hard to get any work done though...oh well! We have been very blessed to have found a lady through our church that has a wonderful in-home day care. Bennett has done really well with her, and she only has two other little girls. They both love him, and one of them had to have a "baby Bennett" doll for Christmas. How cute is that?
I have starting my training for the 10k in March...running is HARD! But it does get easier. I'm up to 2 miles without stopping. Not too shabby. I'm just glad I have two more months to train....6 miles is a beast!
A little update about me: I saw my oncologist last week and I am now at once a year scans. YESSSSSS!!!!!! This is awesome news. Praise God!!!
Hope you are all doing well and that your 2012 is off to a good start.
Love to all,